By reditya

My reason to write

I write a letter because of distance problem with my friends. I write a letter because I don’t have courage to speak directly in front of some specific people. I think, if we can not speak, then write, don’t lose your idea because you are incapable of say it to other.

I write a love letter because I don’t have courage to say “I love you”..

I write assignment from my lecturer because it is my obligation as a students. I write it so that I can get good mark and good overall GPA in the end.

I write poetry sometimes to fullfill my hobby to create some beautiful words combined into several beautiful sentences (with beautiful meanings of course).

I write documentation when I play with my UNIX-shell or server-related things so that in the future I still remember what I’ve done.

I wrote this entire blog, firstly, because I saw my friends do. I wrote it because my friends also wrote it. Sometimes, in our life, we do follow what other people do.

But now, I write blog because I want to write it. Just like what I’ve said in the first point. If you can not speak, then write. I can not speak what is flying around my brain my entire time to other. Not so sure that others will hear though.

And yeah, this is me now who write my blog because I want it. Because I want to speak to the world what I think about so many things. And I want to share it with you. With people. That’s all. No other intentions…

16 Tanggapan to “My Reason to Write”

  1. November 6, 2007 pukul 5:41 pm

    gak penting -___-

  2. 3 adebayu
    November 10, 2007 pukul 2:48 am

    Ijolan link yo…

  3. 4 adebayu
    November 12, 2007 pukul 11:33 am

    Aku gabung WP wis ket biyen, tapi lagi ta gawe saiki. Lagi oleh ide dwi lingual koyo iku saiki -_-
    Tapi aku jik bingung alasanne, gak koyo sampeyan sing wis jelas ^_^

  4. Desember 25, 2007 pukul 11:49 am

    ditya, saling blogroll yuk. kita sama2 suka jepang. walau pernah jajah kita. tp jepang banyak memberi nilai kepribadian yang baik buat kita. slm kenal ya. aq ijin blogroll kamu dulu.

  5. 6 nur
    Januari 30, 2008 pukul 5:10 pm

    salam kenal…! ^__^
    doakan aku sampai ke jepang juga ya…

  6. Maret 15, 2008 pukul 12:39 am

    lama gak nulis, Za..?

  7. 8 h4ru
    April 12, 2008 pukul 2:05 pm

    so inspiring,,,

  8. Mei 3, 2008 pukul 1:14 am

    One afternoon, I was in the backyard hanging the laundry when an old, tired-looking dog wandered into the yard. I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home. But when I walked into the house, he followed me, sauntered down the hall and fell asleep in a corner. An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out. The next day he was back. He resumed his position in the hallway and slept for an hour.
    This continued for several weeks. Curious, I pinned a note to his collar: “Every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap. ”
    The next day he arrived with a different note pinned to his collar: “He lives in a home with ten children – he’s trying to catch up on his sleep.”

    I cried from laughter
    Sorry, if not left a message on Rules.

  9. 10 effendisusanto
    Mei 21, 2008 pukul 4:39 pm

    asem…kuat tenan nilai rasa tulisanmu sing iki…ngaku kalah aku…please don’t be relax cause I’ll be back soon with more powerfull word..more powerfull weapon to defeat you..:D

  10. Mei 22, 2008 pukul 5:16 pm

    @mas fendi
    halah, opo tho mas 😀

  11. 12 dhianyfajar
    Mei 26, 2008 pukul 5:23 pm

    Awalnya.. dikasih tau Cin kalo si Reza bikin blog yang bikin dia KO karna merasa tulisannya gak ada apa-apanya. Trus aku penasaran liat blog-nya juga…
    Selanjutnya aku menghabiskan waktuku seharian mentertawakan blog-ku sendiri hehe..
    Kayak bumi ma langit:)

    Skarang jadinya aku punya 3 blog wajib kukunjungi:
    1. Kodok Ngerock
    2. Try to simplify this complex world..dan
    3. Mahasiswa belajar nulis.’re definitely beat my Cin hehe…

    Piss ya Fen…

  12. 13 asopusitemus
    Mei 28, 2008 pukul 3:58 pm

    I wrote this entire blog, firstly, because I saw my friends do. I wrote it because my friends also wrote it. Sometimes, in our life, we do follow what other people do.

    That’s quite true! I start making a blog because people around me has their own blog…

  13. Juli 20, 2008 pukul 9:27 pm

    Hai,salam kenal..kamu di jepang ya??? aku juga ada rencana ke jepang bulan oktober. mau sekolah bahasa dan baito disana.mohon info nya bagi teman2 indo yang udah pernah ke jepang. thanks.

  14. Desember 26, 2008 pukul 5:15 am


    Thats a interesting reason that people shows..

    I think You have a power to write..

    So..why are you write again..???


  15. 16 erika
    Februari 16, 2009 pukul 2:29 pm

    wa sangat tertarik dengan jepang…
    mungkin bagi beberapa orang ada perasaan negatif yang berhubungan dengan jepang,
    karena mantan penjajah kali ya?
    well, it’s a nice of you to share ur experience…
    and i’m glad u want to share…
    keep writing mas…hehe…

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